Thursday, May 10, 2012

Who is fatkiddown?

I get asked this a lot.  I must admit, I'm a mystery even to myself.  It goes way back, the mystery of me.

This Spaniard I once fought asked just prior to the event, "who are you fatkiddown?..."

Everyone's always asking me, "do you know fatkiddown?"

Am I the fkd on the left? or on the right?

You cannot know rly, who I am -- you must know?  Well, get used to disappointments...

There are clues however.  I thought I'd tease/help  you out by listing stuff people have said about fatkiddown:

"You are the most articulate and intelligent bastard I've ever known."

"You are like saliva, you encourage digestion."

"I hate you! [Usually preceeded and/or followed by] I love you!"

"Your stats suck.  He should not play with you."

Back in my biker days....

"You're fucking cancer."

"You are really good in bed."

"You're not that good in bed."

"Boy, you fucked-up just then...."

"fatkiddown, you got hacks or something?"

"You're retarded and your w/r is puny"

[This last one sounds very similar to what a woman once said:]

"You're stupid and puny"

[Odd thing, another woman once said to me:]

"It hurts!" <-- if only that were my thingy I was using....

Me in my (cloaked-jedi) halloween costume worn last Oct.
I felt, when fully closed, it robbed me of the better look

"Well done fatkiddown, (golf clap)" <-- was this regarding: A. a video game, B. sex or C. golf?

"Let's see if we can save the fat from the fire." <-- sed to me in kollage, by a prof. who had no clue I was indeed, _the_ FKD....

"You can have anything you want from our family.  Just name it.  We owe you that."

"Get out of here! Stay away from my family! Never come back!"

"Thank you god!" <-- overheard whispered by a woman just after we deed eet

"I pray god never makes me do that again" <-- overheard whispered by a woman just after we deed eet

"You are a perfect example of what a good player is" <-- was this regarding: A. a video game, B. my ability to pick-up women in a bar? C. my abilities at guitar?

"You are a perfect example of what a suck player is" <-- was this regarding: A. a video game, B. my ability to pick-up women in a bar? C. my abilities at guitar?

"You suck and your blog sucks too."

"Lol! Read your entire blog, love it!"

And last but not least:

"Please, can you just stop talking?..."

Me at a bar just this past weekend

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